You've realized the call from God to be a part of a church and now you have been attending one for a few weeks. Something doesn't feel right. The music doesn't get you going, the preaching is boring and never reads from Scripture, and no one has come to introduce themselves to you. Should you leave that church? Based on this scenario, there might be a reason or two to consider leaving. But what are they? Rick and Brad seek to Biblically answer that question in this conversation about when and how to leave a church.



  • What are the black-and-white reasons to leave a church?

  • What is a true church?

  • What is Orthodox Doctrine? What are examples of churches that do not teach Orthodox Doctrine?

  • How do you know if a church is a true church?

  • Can you go to a false church with a “missionary” mindset in an attempt to change the false church?

  • What are some churches that are not true churches?

  • What are the grey areas that may lead to further conversation with the leadership of a true church?

  • How can you tell the health of a church? What are important things that a church should do?

  • When should you think about leaving a church based on the preaching? Based on the music? Based on the community? Based on church leadership?

  • What are justification and sanctification?

  • Is preaching the Gospel every week that important?

  • Is emotional and/or high-quality music bad?

  • What do I do if joining community is not very easy? What if it seems like there is no shared interests?

  • How important is a plurality of elders in a church?

  • How can we tell if church leaders are healthy leaders?

  • Should you leave a church based on the grey areas before talking through it with a pastor?

  • How do we respond to a true church that is showing signs of unhealth?

  • If leaving is the proper step, how do we leave a church?


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