Eating disorders take many different forms. Maybe the struggle is with eating too much, or maybe under-eating or purging what was already eaten. This is a sensitive topic, and we are thankful that Chelsey Duncan was able to come on the show! Chelsey talks with Rick and Brad about her past eating disorder as well as the life-changing work of Jesus that helped her identity belong to the Savior instead of what culture might say is important. We hope this episode is helpful for you, whether you struggle with an eating disorder or know someone that does.
What are eating disorders? What are symptoms of them?
What is Chelsey’s story with her eating disorder?
What are idols that may instigate an eating disorder? How may these idols hide the truth of the disorder?
What are ways that can help focus turn to Christ instead of on the eating disorder?
How long does a struggle with food last? Is it the same for everyone? Are there still hiccups even when your struggle is over?
Where is the line drawn between an eating disorder and someone who is health conscious? Is there an overlap? Are eating disorders over- or under-diagnosed?
Do other mental health issues affect eating disorders? Does anxiety, depression, etc., stem from or cause eating disorders?
What are the warning signs that one may have an eating disorder? How can those warning signs be justified in a state of denial?
Are eating disorders a female issue? How many men struggle with eating disorders? How do they manifest differently between genders?
Does diagnosing a large number of eating disorders perpetuate good health consciousness into a legitimate eating disorder?
Is the term “disorder” a helpful term in talking about these issues? Can the word “disorder” be used as an excuse to forego finding true healing?
How does affirming someone with an eating disorder (with good intentions) actually harm that person?
Can the secular world actually help someone with an eating disorder?
What cultural forces contribute to eating disorders? Is social media the biggest factor?
How do our daily conversations affect people around us? Does “fat talk” and “old talk” affect others?
How early do kids start thinking about their weight or body image?
How is the Gospel good news for those with eating disorders? How do we exhort Christians with eating disorders?
How does Scripture shape how we view ourselves in light of who God says that we are?
How can we encourage those struggling?
Will this be a lifelong struggle?
How can we practically respond to someone who we see is showing the signs? Can we fix it with a 10-step process?
Articles on the types of eating disorders
Help for eating disorders - Nationally - Locally (Eugene, OR)
Article on how men present eating orders differently
Article on eating disorders in men
Article on eating disorders vs. disordered eating
Article on cultural and societal factors leading to eating disorders
TGC Article - Things to know about body issues
Romans 5:8 - Jesus dies for us and grants us worth as children of God
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 - Our body is a temple
1 Peter 2:22 - Jesus never sinned
2 Corinthians 5:21 - Jesus took our sins and gave us His perfection
TGC Article - Ways to Help a Christian Friend with an Eating Disorder
Romans 8 - Christ changes us
Galatians 2:20 - Christ lives within us
Romans 12 - Be transformed by Jesus
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