There are varying understandings in our society when it comes to what the Bible has to say about a variety of topics. Some are more controversial than others. But what does the Bible say about women in ministry? Do we take the Bible seriously throughout the entire text, but nitpick around certain modern-day cultural positions, or do we trust fully in the word of God? Do we truly believe that what God says is for our ultimate good and His glory, even if we don't understand why? In this episode, Rick and Brad break down what Scripture says about women's roles in the church and the potential dangers of lackadaisically allowing modern social ideologies to shape how we read the Bible.
Leave a comment or a review on your favorite podcast listening platform with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!
Can Women be pastors?
What are the two main positions on women in church leadership? What are the key distinctions between the two?
How can you back up these views with Scripture?
Is Egalitarianism un-Biblical?
Is this conversation a die, divide, debate, or decide issue?
Can egalitarians worship at complementary churches and vice versa?
Does culture value the distinctions between men and women?
How do we celebrate the distinctions between men and women?
Is submission to authority bad?
How does God’s created order along with the fall’s reversal order speak to this issue?
What is the curse of sin? Do male and female distinctions come before or after the fall?
How does Jesus’ reversal of the curse allow us to live differently?
Are we restored by Jesus to be the same in roles or to return to our roles in Eden?
How does the main passage used to argue egalitarianism actually argue for complementarianism?
Where does Scripture point us to in order to find our worth?
What does the Bible say about how churches are to be led? Is the Bible talking about the Church today?
Is submission weakness?
Does Paul say women cannot preach because he views them as “less-than“? Is he only talking about the church in Ephesus?
Are elders the same as pastors, shepherds, and overseers?
Are women not allowed to teach at all?
How has culture influenced a negative view of complementarianism?
What are the dangers of the egalitarian view when it comes to Orthodoxy?
So are egalitarians all heretics?
Have there been instances of people abusing complementarianism?
How does a complementarian church show value to women?
Are there limits to who is gifted and what gifts certain people can have?
Can the Kingdom of God be hindered by not allowing women to preach?
Complementarianism - Men and women are created equal in worth, value, and dignity, yet have distinct complementary roles
Egalitarianism - Men and women are created equal in worth, value, dignity, and all roles
Genesis 1:27 - God created mankind with distinction, male and female
Genesis 2:18-23 - Woman is created from man
Can Women Be Pastors?, by Greg Gilbert
Genesis 3 - Humanity falls into sin leading to separation from God
Galatians 3:28 - No longer slave or free, Jew or Greek, etc.
1 Timothy 2:11-15 - Women in church
Article with Ligon Duncan quote on the dangers of egalitarianism
Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?, By Wayne Grudem
1 Timothy 3:1-7 - Qualifications for elder
1 Timothy 3:8-13 - Qualifications for deacons & deaconesses
Jesus, Justice, and Gender Roles, by Kathy Keller
Blog of Whitney Woollard - Delighting in Authority: How to Create a Culture of Happy Complementarians
The Pillar New Testament Commentary on 1 Timothy and Titus, by Robert W. Yarbrough
Article by Douglas Moo - What Does It Mean Not to Teach or Have Authority Over Men
Article by Justin Taylor - An Open Letter to Egalitarians about Liberalism
Article on the first ordained woman in the U.S. in 1853
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