Brad Libolt and Rick Reeves sit down to discuss the real struggle with pornography that has a hold, not only in our society but also in the church. Watching porn, like all sin, is an attempt to relieve shame, guilt, and loneliness. However, it is not the true solution to those feelings. Join Rick and Brad as they open up about this topic and find how Christ frees us from this addiction.
Why is pornography such a big deal? Has it always been a big deal?
How does our society perceive pornography?
Pornography is accessible and used by non-Christians, but is it actually watched by those in the church?
Is it safe to assume that a woman’s husband is a viewer of pornography and should enter into that conversation?
How do we label sin as something less than the true sin to reduce shame?
What are the deeper issues that are in our hearts that leads to pornography being used as the solution?
Why do we reach for sinful things, like pornography, that lead to deeper guilt, shame, loneliness, etc.?
Why does it seem that more men deal with porn addiction?
What fears in creating real relationships lead to someone making pseudo-relationships through pornography?
What do we do to move forward to tell a spouse, a friend, a pastor about a pornography addiction? How do we react and respond to someone’s pornography confession?
What is the Gospel message to those confessing and receiving confession who may feel as if they are not enough for their significant other?
1 Corinthians 13 - Love assumes the best intentions from our brothers and sister in Christ
Matthew 10 - Jesus sends the 12 disciples, telling them to "be wise as serpents and innocent as doves".
Tin Man Ministries - Coaching, mentoring, consulting, and offers guidance to those who want to recover the life they've lost and discover the life they desire, by learning to live from the heart.
1 John 1 - We are called to walk in the light
If you need to confess to a porn addiction and want help in accountability, contact your pastor or email
Owner Chris Johnson grew up learning about the value of hard work and entrepreneurship from his parents. After a family business that he was a part of closed in 2017, Chris began looking into roasting coffee and figuring out what to do next. He started playing around and discovered how much he enjoyed roasting. Thus began the journey for Pacifik Coffee Roasters.
It has been a slow-growing but exciting adventure for Chris. Being part-Hawaiian, he has many great memories of visiting his family on the island of Oahu. With multiple generations living together and passing down their heritage, it meant a lot to have a place to belong and have a supportive family. Now, with three kids of his own, Chris wants to pass on those values.
At-home coffee should be affordable, easy to make, and still feel like a moment of luxury on a busy day. With every bag of Pacifik Coffee you purchase, you’re supporting and directly impacting a family-owned business in Eugene, Oregon, as well as the farms and communities around the world where the coffee is grown. Pacifik is mostly a wholesaler with the goal of bringing awesome coffee to the community. They have also done fundraisers in the community as well as donating to charities, both locally and globally.
Chris recognizes that there are a ton of awesome coffee roasters in Eugene and in Oregon. His love for coffee drove him to want to be part of the industry. The beans they buy are fair trade coffee and they work as close to the farms as they can to bring delicious coffee as well as have a better understanding of what is being done at the farm level with growing and the way the staff is being treated. They truly care about the process and the people involved with that process. Pacifik has a passion for the community that they live in, a passion for Christ, for their kids and they want that to be evident in our business.
Chris is extremely grateful for his customers! Go ahead and support him and his family on this venture by either ordering online or picking some up at Market of Choice.
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