What are Gospel Community Groups?
Gospel Community (GC) Groups are our weekly, co-ed small group gatherings that meet at various times and at various locations around the Eugene/Springfield area. GC groups are where we share our lives with our church family, and help one another grow together in our understanding of the gospel.
Why Gospel Community Groups?
The purpose of Gospel Community Groups is to provide a consistent place for our church family to share our lives and the gospel with one another. We share our lives through confession and encouragement, letting others into what we are going through. We share the gospel by reminding each other of our identity in Christ, and helping one another apply gospel truths to various life circumstances.
What can I expect at a GC Group?
You can expect an opportunity to connect with God’s family (local church) and connect to God’s word. GC groups are not only for those investigating Christianity, but also for seasoned Christians, as both need the gospel. it is a place where we encourage and exhort one another as we strive to know others and be known. In our time together we focus on the five S’s:
Spend time in the word together
Saturate our time in the centrality of the gospel
Seek to apply biblical truths to our lives
Strive to live our scripture with one another
Share time praying for genuine prayer requests
How do I join a GC Group?
Anyone interested in joining a Gospel Community Group can sign up through GCC’s Church Center app. On it, you can browse the groups listed and select the ‘request to join’ button to let us know you are interested in a group, or have any questions. We will connect with you and extend a personal invite!
We believe consistent GC group attendance is vital to the benefits a group can have for our church community, so we encourage you to pick a group that you are able to attend regularly! Each group is co-ed, varies in size, and has people from a variety of life stages. There is no “perfect” group, so pick one you can commit to based on time and location and be faithful to it. Use the “Join a GC” button below to view all group information and join a group, or click the photo of the group you wish to join!
Jacque & Jesse Williams
TUESDAY, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Downtown Eugene
2024-2025 schedule
Week of 9/8: GC Groups resume after Summer Break
Week of 1/6: GC Groups resume after Christmas Break
Week of 6/2: GC Groups break for Summer