Rick and Brad are back with the highly anticipated continued conversation on pornography. This time, the guys talk about what happens chemically in our brain when we try to fill our desire for comfort, intimacy, and love in things of this world; namely pornography. Join us as we continue this conversation that affects so many - the whole community of faith.
What goes on in our brain when we watch porn or participate in other addictive habits?
Why does it seem to get harder to break sin habits the more we do them?
What qualifies as porn? Is there a good definition? Does scripture talk about this?
How does watching porn change how we view sex? How does it change how we view others?
Does it actually hurt anyone to watch porn by yourself? How are others affected?
Where else can we find the intimacy that our heart desires?
How can community help us find hope in Christ as sinful human beings?
Is it okay to be vulnerable with others in our community?
What are practical ways to help in. the fight against pornography?
Matthew 5:27-30 - Lusting after someone is adultery
1 Corinthians 6:15-20 - Coming together as one through the act of sex
Psalm 135 - We are known deeply and intimately by God
Genesis 3:8-13 - Adam and Eve hid from the Father
Psalm 63 - The greatest satisfaction is at the right hand of God
Matthew 5:30 - Cut off the sources of your sin
Covenant Eyes - Accountability software for your devices
Tin Man Ministries - Coaching, mentoring, consulting, and offers guidance to those who want to recover the life they've lost and discover the life they desire, by learning to live from the heart.
If you need to confess to a porn addiction and want help in accountability, contact your pastor or email
Ron Vickrey started Crux in the early 90’s, one of the first climbing gyms in the USA, and even started with gravel floors. One day while Morgan and Marra Watson were climbing at Crux, the owners asked if they would want to buy it. Even though the Watson’s were unsure due to financial uncertainty at the time, they sensed God was at work. The Watson’s felt encouraged by God to not be afraid and to jump into this venture. That is how Crux came to be where it is today!
Morgan and Marra see Crux as a place for climbers and those wanting to become climbers to have community with others of the same passion. They want to help guide people into a healthy lifestyle through the availability of climbing, healthy food & drinks, and a strong community. They also strive to be a light to their neighborhood.
The clean, family-friendly atmosphere at Crux leads to visitors feeling invited, cared for, and personally known. They truly strive to make outdoor climbing accessible to all who are interested. Go check them out! It is an amazing experience for beginners and experts alike!
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