Our culture in the West is filled to the brim with consumerism. We have unlimited choices of restaurants, products, shows, and more - all to fulfill our wants and desires. This reality that we live in day-to-day shapes how we view ourselves and what we think we deserve. Unfortunately, that bleeds into the church as well. In this episode, Rick and Brad dig into the harmful culture of consumerism that leads us to critique the church and choose our church community based on what will fill our "needs" (desires).
Leave a comment or a review on your favorite podcast listening platform with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!
What is nominal Christianity?
What is consumeristic Christianity?
Is consumerism a sin? Is it a tolerated sin in our culture?
Are nominal and consumeristic Christianity the same thing?
Where do we see consumerism in our culture? Where do we see consumerism in the Church?
Is church on Sunday meant for you to be served or for you to serve?
What are the signs of being a consumeristic Christian?
What is the therapeutic gospel?
Is it bad to want to be loved, accepted, or feel significant?
How can we identify a church that is preaching a therapeutic gospel?
How does Christ remove our consumeristic nature from us?
How are we called to live even within our culture of consumerism?
How can we combat being consumeristic?
Romans 2:12-29 - Paul’s rebuke of Jews who feel they have moral authority
Sermon talking about dead orthodoxy by Tim Keller
Matthew 23:27 - Jesus tells the Pharisees they are white-washed tombs
1 John 3:16-18 - Jesus says die and lay down our lives
Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges
Article on modern perspectives of marriage
The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love by Jonathan Leeman (This book is the source for Rick’s comments on the sociologist Anthony Giddens [pg. 45] and stats related to job tenure [pg. 54])
IX Marks article on parachurch ministries
TGC article on parachurch ministries
Desiring God article about seeing the church how God sees it
1 Corinthians 10:31 - Do everything to the glory of God
Therapeutic Gospel Article by David Powlison
Genesis 3:4-6 - The Serpent tells Adam he deserves more
John 13:1-20 - Jesus washes the feet of the disciples
Matthew 16:24-26 - Jesus calls us to die and follow Him
Philippians 2:3 - Count others as more significant
John 13:35 - They will know you are my followers by your love for one another
How to Walk Into Church by Tony Payne
Matthew 20:26-28 - Jesus came to serve, not to be served
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