Our view of sex has been shaped by many factors, including our culture. But sex is a sacred gift from God to humanity. How does the Bible talk about sex and show how God has created sex to be? This may seem like a topic that most people know, but too often the culture makes its way in - shaping an improper ethic within the Church. In this episode, Rick and Brad will look at how Scripture defines sex and how we should and can turn from what culture says about sex and live redeemed, following God’s intent for sex.

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  • What is the Christian sexual ethic?

  • Does culture generally disagree with the Christian sexual ethic?

  • How has culture shaped our view on sex?

  • Is a wrong view of sex caught or taught?

  • How does the Bible prove the Christian sexual ethic?

  • Is sex more than just a physical act?

  • Why does the Christian sexual ethic seem restrictive in some sense?

  • What are the parameters of sex in the Bible?

  • Where is the line drawn for how far you can go sexually?

  • How do you respond to someone trying to find gray areas?

  • How does a covenant create the best environment for sex?

  • Why is it wrong to “test-drive” before you “buy the car”?

  • What could happen if the Church has a faulty sexual ethic?

  • How does the Gospel speak to sexual sin and the Christian sexual ethic?

  • Should we confront those in sexual sin?


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