This can be uncomfortable, but we hope you'll listen in! We all struggle with sin, but it is tough to admit what our idols are. Though we are created to be worshippers, we often fall short and worship things other than God. In this episode, we can learn how to identify our idols and how we can turn our worship to the one true God.

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  • Why don’t people like to talk about idolatry? Why is it good to talk about?

  • What does it mean to be a worshipper? What is worship?

  • What is idolatry? What do we idolize?

  • What are surface idols? How do we worship these surface idols?

  • What are root idols? How do these lead to surface idols?

  • How do root idols interact or overlap with each other?

  • How might we feel emotionally based on our root idol? How will others feel based on our root idol? What are we willing to do to protect our idols?

  • How do we speak the Gospel into idolatry?

  • How can we deal with this practically? How can we practice this in Christian community?


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