Friendship seems pretty straightforward. However, it can be hard to make true, deep, intimate friendships that last the test of time. Similarly to marriage, Christian friendships can exemplify God's characteristics. So what is Christian friendship? Before figuring out how to be a good friend and what is difficult with friendships, we have to define a Christian, disciple-making friendship. Join Rick and Brad as they dive into this topic.
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How much of a priority should friends be?
Where do we see a model of Biblical friendship?
What is Biblical Christian Friendship?
Is there a difference between secular and Christian friendships?
Why are humans made to desire friendships?
Why should a Christian friendship be between people of the same sex?
Why is it important for Christian friendships to be centered on the Gospel? How does it help you be unconditional? Sacrificial? Free from fear, shame, and guilt?
How can your relationship with Christ reflect in your friendships?
How does understanding our Gospel identity help us identify why friendships may be hard?
How do we pursue Christian friendships intentionally?
Why is it important to give both the hard truth and the Gospel in Christian friendships?
How is open dialogue important in a Christian relationship? How is the Spirit united among the family of faith?
Are we able to ask our friends how we can grow in our head, hands, and heart?
Genesis 2:18 - God says Adam alone is not good
Short article on C.S. Lewis' thoughts on friendship
1 Thessalonians 2:8 - Paul is willing to give himself
1 Samuel 18:1-5 - Jonathan and David’s selfless friendship
Matthew 12:46-49 - The importance of spiritual family
Hebrews 3:12-13 - Exhort one another
Hebrews 10:24 - Stir up one another in love
Proverbs 27:6 - Painful truth given by a friend is good
Ephesians 4:16 - The body is built up in love
Acts 20:31-32 - Do not cease admonishing, exporting, etc.
Acts 21:12-14 - Paul receives counsel from his friends through the Spirit
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