Many non-Christians are skeptical about Jesus' resurrection. Perhaps they simply have a misunderstanding about it being a physical resurrection, not just a spiritual one. Some Christians may not even be equipped to defend the historicity of the resurrection and may not know its importance to the Christian life. Brad talks with Sean Duncan about how the historical truth of the resurrection means everything to the Christian - from our ability to share the full Gospel to our very salvation.
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What is the resurrection?
What is the significance of the resurrection? What does it mean for Christians?
What are the historical evidences of the resurrection?
How do we know that the resurrection wasn’t a fabricated story?
Are there extra-biblical sources proving the resurrection?
What is the theological significance of the resurrection?
How does the truth of the resurrection, both historically and theologically, help us as saints?
What is the importance of sharing both Jesus’ death and resurrection when sharing the Gospel?
Acts 2:14-21 - The beginning of the church
1 Corinthians 15:6 - Many have seen Jesus
Letter to Skeptics by Dr. Gregory A. Boyd
Acts 1:10-11 - Jesus’ Ascension
Why the Bible is Historically Reliable! By Gerhard Pfandl
1 Corinthians 15:17-19 - Without the resurrection, Christianity is futile
How Jesus Became God by Bart D. Ehrman (Athiest New Testament Scholar)
Easter’s Earliest Creed by Daniel Anderson
Gary Habermas YouTube Channel (Resurrection Scholar/Teacher)
John 20:9 - The Apostles didn’t understand the Scripture
Romans 1:4 - Resurrection declares Jesus’ Diety
John 2:19-21 - Jesus foretells His death and resurrection
Romans 4:23-25 - The resurrection is for our justification
1 Peter 1:3 - Regeneration through the resurrection
1 Corinthians 15:17 - We are still in darkness apart from Christ
Colossians 3:1-4 - Desire the things of Christ
Romans 6:4 - We too can walk with a new life
Acts 26:22-23 - Paul sees the Old Testament as pointing to Christ
John 2:22, 12:16 - The disciples remembered and believed the Scripture
Matthew 12:38–40 - Jesus connects the story of Jonah with His resurrection
Is the Resurrection Real document by Sean Duncan (includes all Scripture references)
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