Church membership can often seem like the first step to joining an exclusive club. In reality, it is nothing like that, but so much more! Scripture is clear about many things that have to do with the function of the church. Though membership is never explicitly stated, it is very clear that there was structure within the early church. With the help of guest Michael Lawrence, Rick asks the hard questions about church membership and it's role in the local church and God's Kingdom at large.
Leave a comment or a review on your favorite podcast listening platform with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!
Is membership in the Bible? If not, why do we do it?
Isn’t membership exclusive?
Isn’t membership used for church leaders to be in control?
Where do we see membership in church history?
What is the connection between the sacraments and membership?
If someone is already dedicated to the church, why do they have to be members?
What is beautiful about membership?
Believer's Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant in Christ by Thomas R. Schreiner and Shawn Wright
The Lord's Supper: Remembering and Proclaiming Christ Until He Comes by Thomas R. Schreiner, Matthew R. Crawford
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