We all feel emotions and how we respond to them shapes us and our relationships. Guilt and fear are two big emotions that express truth about a need that we have as created beings. Rick speaks with Cliff Roth, Executive Director of Crosspoint Ministries, about how our feelings - specifically guilt and fear - point to truths about humans that lead us back to an identity in Christ.

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  • What is guilt? What is fear? 

  • How do guilt and fear impact our relationships?

  • How do emotions point to a created need?

  • What is the difference between true and false guilt?

  • How do these things play out in marriage, singleness, and the Church?

  • What is attachment and the attachment styles? 

  • How are fear, shame, guilt and our attachments related/connected?

  • How does the gospel speak to all of this? 

  • How do we become relationally healthier?


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