Many non-Christians are skeptical about Jesus' resurrection. Perhaps they simply have a misunderstanding about it being a physical resurrection, not just a spiritual one. Some Christians may not even be equipped to defend the historicity of the resurrection and may not know its importance to the Christian life. Brad talks with Sean Duncan about how the historical truth of the resurrection means everything to the Christian - from our ability to share the full Gospel to our very salvation.

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  • What is the resurrection?

  • What is the significance of the resurrection? What does it mean for Christians?

  • What are the historical evidences of the resurrection?

  • How do we know that the resurrection wasn’t a fabricated story?

  • Are there extra-biblical sources proving the resurrection?

  • What is the theological significance of the resurrection?

  • How does the truth of the resurrection, both historically and theologically, help us as saints?

  • What is the importance of sharing both Jesus’ death and resurrection when sharing the Gospel?


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EPISODE #38 - THE REALITY OF SHAME (With Todd Wermers)

EPISODE #38 - THE REALITY OF SHAME (With Todd Wermers)


Shame can destroy you, but it doesn't have to. The reality is that we all deal with shame when we recognize our humanity and imperfection. The good news is that there is hope when we recognize our shame. In this episode Rick and Brad are joined by Todd Wermers, President & CEO of Tin Man Ministries, to discuss shame, how we respond to our shame, and the freedom from shame we find in the Gospel.

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  • What is shame and how does it impact our lives?

  • How can shame lead to idolatry?

  • Can looking back to our past help us understand our shame?

  • What are some coping mechanisms we may use for our shame?

  • How do we walk alongside someone struggling with shame? How do we approach someone about it?

  • What does the Gospel say about our shame?


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EPISODE #37 - CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP: PART 2 (Hurdles to Friendship)

EPISODE #37 - CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP: PART 2 (Hurdles to Friendship)


If friendship is important to our Christian life, why can it often be hard to prioritize? In this part of our 'Friendship' series, Rick and Brad will talk about some of the hurdles that make friendships hard to pursue. Luckily, the Gospel redeems these hurdles and highlights the importance of Christian friendship.

Leave a comment or a review on your favorite podcast listening platform with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!



  • What are some hurdles to friendships? Are these hurdles objectively bad things?

  • How has our society made us value comfort around these hurdles over friendship?

  • Do we have to give up the things causing the hurdles to gain friendships?

  • Which hurdles affect what type of person?

  • Why do some people struggle to make friends with the same sex?

  • How does the Gospel speak to these hurdles - recognize their place and help us conquer them?


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This can be uncomfortable, but we hope you'll listen in! We all struggle with sin, but it is tough to admit what our idols are. Though we are created to be worshippers, we often fall short and worship things other than God. In this episode, we can learn how to identify our idols and how we can turn our worship to the one true God.

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  • Why don’t people like to talk about idolatry? Why is it good to talk about?

  • What does it mean to be a worshipper? What is worship?

  • What is idolatry? What do we idolize?

  • What are surface idols? How do we worship these surface idols?

  • What are root idols? How do these lead to surface idols?

  • How do root idols interact or overlap with each other?

  • How might we feel emotionally based on our root idol? How will others feel based on our root idol? What are we willing to do to protect our idols?

  • How do we speak the Gospel into idolatry?

  • How can we deal with this practically? How can we practice this in Christian community?


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Friendship seems pretty straightforward. However, it can be hard to make true, deep, intimate friendships that last the test of time. Similarly to marriage, Christian friendships can exemplify God's characteristics. So what is Christian friendship? Before figuring out how to be a good friend and what is difficult with friendships, we have to define a Christian, disciple-making friendship. Join Rick and Brad as they dive into this topic.

Leave a comment or a review on your favorite podcast listening platform with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!



  • How much of a priority should friends be?

  • Where do we see a model of Biblical friendship?

  • What is Biblical Christian Friendship?

  • Is there a difference between secular and Christian friendships?

  • Why are humans made to desire friendships?

  • Why should a Christian friendship be between people of the same sex?

  • Why is it important for Christian friendships to be centered on the Gospel? How does it help you be unconditional? Sacrificial? Free from fear, shame, and guilt?

  • How can your relationship with Christ reflect in your friendships?

  • How does understanding our Gospel identity help us identify why friendships may be hard?

  • How do we pursue Christian friendships intentionally?

  • Why is it important to give both the hard truth and the Gospel in Christian friendships?

  • How is open dialogue important in a Christian relationship? How is the Spirit united among the family of faith?

  • Are we able to ask our friends how we can grow in our head, hands, and heart?


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Our view of sex has been shaped by many factors, including our culture. But sex is a sacred gift from God to humanity. How does the Bible talk about sex and show how God has created sex to be? This may seem like a topic that most people know, but too often the culture makes its way in - shaping an improper ethic within the Church. In this episode, Rick and Brad will look at how Scripture defines sex and how we should and can turn from what culture says about sex and live redeemed, following God’s intent for sex.

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  • What is the Christian sexual ethic?

  • Does culture generally disagree with the Christian sexual ethic?

  • How has culture shaped our view on sex?

  • Is a wrong view of sex caught or taught?

  • How does the Bible prove the Christian sexual ethic?

  • Is sex more than just a physical act?

  • Why does the Christian sexual ethic seem restrictive in some sense?

  • What are the parameters of sex in the Bible?

  • Where is the line drawn for how far you can go sexually?

  • How do you respond to someone trying to find gray areas?

  • How does a covenant create the best environment for sex?

  • Why is it wrong to “test-drive” before you “buy the car”?

  • What could happen if the Church has a faulty sexual ethic?

  • How does the Gospel speak to sexual sin and the Christian sexual ethic?

  • Should we confront those in sexual sin?


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Our culture in the West is filled to the brim with consumerism. We have unlimited choices of restaurants, products, shows, and more - all to fulfill our wants and desires. This reality that we live in day-to-day shapes how we view ourselves and what we think we deserve. Unfortunately, that bleeds into the church as well. In this episode, Rick and Brad dig into the harmful culture of consumerism that leads us to critique the church and choose our church community based on what will fill our "needs" (desires).

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  • What is nominal Christianity?

  • What is consumeristic Christianity?

  • Is consumerism a sin? Is it a tolerated sin in our culture?

  • Are nominal and consumeristic Christianity the same thing?

  • Where do we see consumerism in our culture? Where do we see consumerism in the Church?

  • Is church on Sunday meant for you to be served or for you to serve?

  • What are the signs of being a consumeristic Christian?

  • What is the therapeutic gospel?

  • Is it bad to want to be loved, accepted, or feel significant?

  • How can we identify a church that is preaching a therapeutic gospel?

  • How does Christ remove our consumeristic nature from us?

  • How are we called to live even within our culture of consumerism?

  • How can we combat being consumeristic?


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Men and women were created with roles. In our society, we often see men are not living up to the role that God calls them to. Now, there is always room for grace, but there also needs to be a realization of how men can live in response to the grace that God gives them - striving to be the man, husband, and father that they are created to be. In this episode, Rick and Brad talk about two ways that men tend to fail in our culture. Along with practical advice, listen in to hear how the Gospel calls men to live for more than themselves.

Leave a comment or a review on your favorite podcast listening platform with a question you may have for our Q&A episode at the end of the season!



  • What is Biblical manhood? How is it different than Biblical womanhood?

  • Where do we find our definition of “man”? Is it from our culture or God?

  • How do men mask their true male identity to match what culture says men are?

  • Where have men failed in their role to lead as husbands and fathers?

  • What are the sins of commission and omission? What does that practically look like for husbands and fathers?

  • What are excuses that men can make to feel like they are living up to what it is to be a man?

  • How does insecurity and shame lead to a failure of male leadership? What leads to this insecurity/shame?

  • What does the Bible say about the role of a husband and father?

  • How can someone lean into uncomfortableness to better live out who God has called them to be?

  • What does it mean for husbands to die for their wives? How can they sacrificially give to their wives?

  • What are ways that men can start their day thinking about how they can sacrificially serve others above themselves?

  • What are practical ways a husband and/or father can prioritize sacrificially loving and caring for his family?

  • How can someone ask their family how they can grow in sacrificially loving them? How can someone ask their Christian peers this same thing?

  • How can a man get through the awkward or uncomfortable moment of trying to step into true male leadership after not living that way for a while?


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There are varying understandings in our society when it comes to what the Bible has to say about a variety of topics. Some are more controversial than others. But what does the Bible say about women in ministry? Do we take the Bible seriously throughout the entire text, but nitpick around certain modern-day cultural positions, or do we trust fully in the word of God? Do we truly believe that what God says is for our ultimate good and His glory, even if we don't understand why? In this episode, Rick and Brad break down what Scripture says about women's roles in the church and the potential dangers of lackadaisically allowing modern social ideologies to shape how we read the Bible.

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  • Can Women be pastors?

  • What are the two main positions on women in church leadership? What are the key distinctions between the two?

  • How can you back up these views with Scripture?

  • Is Egalitarianism un-Biblical?

  • Is this conversation a die, divide, debate, or decide issue?

  • Can egalitarians worship at complementary churches and vice versa?

  • Does culture value the distinctions between men and women?

  • How do we celebrate the distinctions between men and women?

  • Is submission to authority bad?

  • How does God’s created order along with the fall’s reversal order speak to this issue?

  • What is the curse of sin? Do male and female distinctions come before or after the fall?

  • How does Jesus’ reversal of the curse allow us to live differently?

  • Are we restored by Jesus to be the same in roles or to return to our roles in Eden?

  • How does the main passage used to argue egalitarianism actually argue for complementarianism?

  • Where does Scripture point us to in order to find our worth?

  • What does the Bible say about how churches are to be led? Is the Bible talking about the Church today?

  • Is submission weakness?

  • Does Paul say women cannot preach because he views them as “less-than“? Is he only talking about the church in Ephesus?

  • Are elders the same as pastors, shepherds, and overseers?

  • Are women not allowed to teach at all?

  • How has culture influenced a negative view of complementarianism?

  • What are the dangers of the egalitarian view when it comes to Orthodoxy?

  • So are egalitarians all heretics?

  • Have there been instances of people abusing complementarianism?

  • How does a complementarian church show value to women?

  • Are there limits to who is gifted and what gifts certain people can have?

  • Can the Kingdom of God be hindered by not allowing women to preach?


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Saints and Society hits the streets! In this episode, Rick and Brad head out into Eugene and onto the University of Oregon campus to ask some questions. Their purpose is twofold: to find out what college students think about morality, truth, and Christianity, as well as attempting to show how conversations can be had as we live in our post-modern society. We hope this is enlightening and helpful for you as you live as a saint in society!



  • What personal beliefs do college students have?

  • Are you a part of a church?

  • What do you think the message of Christianity is?

  • What are your thoughts on Jesus/the Bible?

  • Are morality and truth objective? Are people morally good? What is truth?

  • Have you heard the real Christian message?

  • Would you go to church?

  • What are ways Rick and Brad would have approached conversations differently?

  • What is a worldview?

  • How important is a personal relationship with those we are having conversations with?

  • How do you invite someone to church?


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On this third episode of our most listened-to topic, Brad is joined by his wife, Jenna, to take a look at a side of the pornography addiction topic that is often looked over. While it is not only men that deal with pornography addictions, the statistics show that most cases are men. There are also cases where men are married, leading to hard conversations and a rocky season of marriage. It is very difficult for men to confess to their wives, but we also understand how heartbreaking this can be to a wife. Jenna opens up about her feelings and how the community around them helped turn the focus from the sin itself to a desperate need for Jesus.



  • How can wives feel left out when their husbands confess an addiction to pornography (or other sins)?

  • What are emotions and thoughts after a husband confesses to a pornography addiction? Are these feelings common?

  • How did feelings change and what are some things that helped?

  • What is the process of healing and regaining trust?

  • What insecurities or shame come up in these situations?

  • What is the hope for wives in this situation?

  • How do wives continue to show the grace and love of God to their husbands? What empowers that, which is a hard thing to do?

  • How much should men confess to their wives? How much to other faithful men?

  • What are ways that trust is gained back?

  • How does the Gospel speak to wives whose husband has confessed to a pornography addiction? Where is there freedom?

  • Are there varying severities of sin?

  • How does this situation reshape our view of Jesus?

  • Are the pain and the unknown worth confessing this sin to your wife?

  • How important is it to have people around you to walk through this situation with you?


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EPISODE #28 - DOES GOD SPEAK TO YOU? (With Ronny Gogan)

EPISODE #28 - DOES GOD SPEAK TO YOU? (With Ronny Gogan)


Living in Christian spheres, you may have heard the phrase "God told me..." or "God wanted me to tell you...". Are these people modern-day prophets? What do they mean if they say God spoke to them? Many times people may claim that God has spoken audibly to them. Can this be true? Rick, Brad, and Ronny look at how to biblically engage in conversations with those who say this, the ways that God speaks to us today, and how claiming to hear from God can be harmful to a Christian community. We hope this conversation is helpful and points to the Bible and Jesus as the true Word of God.



  • How do we navigate a conversation with someone who says they have heard from God?

  • Is it possible for God to speak to someone? How does He (audibly, through Scripture, etc.)?

  • How can saying you can hear from God be harmful to others?

  • Should Christians refrain from saying “God spoke to me”, or “God told me this”?

  • How can we figure out if God is actually speaking to us/someone? What does Scripture say about how He will talk to us?

  • What is the difference between desires and God’s guidance?

  • Why do people want to hear God audibly?

  • Who does God speak to audibly in the Bible? What is the importance of the exclusivity of this?

  • Do all of our decision need to be made through hearing directly from God?

  • Is the Bible, God’s Word, sufficient for hearing from God?

  • How does the Gospel speak to hearing God audibly and how God has revealed Himself to us?

  • Is it okay that we want God to talk to us?

  • Does God communicate for individual gain or for the benefit of His people?


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There are many traditions that practice speaking in tongues. Some may think it's weird, while others may see it as a divine blessing from God. But what does Scripture have to say about this often divisive topic? While the topic of speaking in tongues is not salvific, it may have an impact on how the church, Christ's body, is edified and reconciled - both with God and with each other. Rick and Ronny take on this interesting topic in this episode.



  • Is speaking in tongues an important core doctrine of the church?

  • What is the gift of speaking in tongues supposed to look like Biblically? What was its purpose?

  • Do we believe those who say they speak in tongues?

  • What kind of gifts does God give to the Church? For individuals or for the whole Church?

  • What might be going on with those thinking they can speak in tongues? Can social pressures be a cause?

  • What are Paul’s directions for speaking in tongues? How different is it from contemporary speaking in tongues?

  • Why don’t interpreters show up in contemporary speaking in tongues?

  • How was speaking in tongues helpful for unbelievers in the early church and not helpful today?

  • How does speaking in tongues as a private prayer language hurt the church as a whole? Is it actually beneficial in prayer?

  • How does the Bible teach us to pray? Is it in tongues?

  • Is it possible for God to give the gift of tongues today? How does that look different than the gibberish we hear in charismatic churches today?

  • What is the purpose for speaking in tongues today? Is it for individuals or the Church?

  • How does contemporary “gifts of the spirit” parallel non-christian worship?

  • Is our Christian worship supposed to look the same or distinct from the world?

  • Does the Bible differentiate between speaking in other languages and gibberish?

  • Is genuine prayer for your church, community, family, etc. more meaningful than praying in tongues?

  • Is it unloving to pray over someone in tongues that they do not understand? How can it misguide a new believer?

  • Where is tongues talked about in church history?

  • How does the Gospel speak to tongues and how do we speak with others about this?

  • How can we respond to a gifting that God has given to others and not us?


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EPISODE #26 - EATING DISORDERS (With Chelsey Duncan)

EPISODE #26 - EATING DISORDERS (With Chelsey Duncan)


Eating disorders take many different forms. Maybe the struggle is with eating too much, or maybe under-eating or purging what was already eaten. This is a sensitive topic, and we are thankful that Chelsey Duncan was able to come on the show! Chelsey talks with Rick and Brad about her past eating disorder as well as the life-changing work of Jesus that helped her identity belong to the Savior instead of what culture might say is important. We hope this episode is helpful for you, whether you struggle with an eating disorder or know someone that does.



  • What are eating disorders? What are symptoms of them?

  • What is Chelsey’s story with her eating disorder?

  • What are idols that may instigate an eating disorder? How may these idols hide the truth of the disorder?

  • What are ways that can help focus turn to Christ instead of on the eating disorder?

  • How long does a struggle with food last? Is it the same for everyone? Are there still hiccups even when your struggle is over?

  • Where is the line drawn between an eating disorder and someone who is health conscious? Is there an overlap? Are eating disorders over- or under-diagnosed?

  • Do other mental health issues affect eating disorders? Does anxiety, depression, etc., stem from or cause eating disorders?

  • What are the warning signs that one may have an eating disorder? How can those warning signs be justified in a state of denial?

  • Are eating disorders a female issue? How many men struggle with eating disorders? How do they manifest differently between genders?

  • Does diagnosing a large number of eating disorders perpetuate good health consciousness into a legitimate eating disorder?

  • Is the term “disorder” a helpful term in talking about these issues? Can the word “disorder” be used as an excuse to forego finding true healing?

  • How does affirming someone with an eating disorder (with good intentions) actually harm that person?

  • Can the secular world actually help someone with an eating disorder?

  • What cultural forces contribute to eating disorders? Is social media the biggest factor?

  • How do our daily conversations affect people around us? Does “fat talk” and “old talk” affect others?

  • How early do kids start thinking about their weight or body image?

  • How is the Gospel good news for those with eating disorders? How do we exhort Christians with eating disorders?

  • How does Scripture shape how we view ourselves in light of who God says that we are?

  • How can we encourage those struggling?

  • Will this be a lifelong struggle?

  • How can we practically respond to someone who we see is showing the signs? Can we fix it with a 10-step process?


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EPISODE #25 - WATERED DOWN GOSPEL: PART 2 (LDS & Jehovah's Witnesses) (With Ronny Gogan)

EPISODE #25 - WATERED DOWN GOSPEL: PART 2 (LDS & Jehovah's Witnesses) (With Ronny Gogan)


We're back again to talk about "churches" that claim to be Christian, yet add something to the free gift of salvation that God gives those who believe in His son. When Mormon elders or Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door, they might appear as though they understand the Gospel. But what do they add to it that makes salvation our role instead of a gift of grace that only God can provide? Join Brad and Ronny as they break down these two cults.



  • What is a “watered-down Gospel”? How severe are these watered-down Gospels to those who believe them?

  • Are LDS or JW (among others) actually Christian?

  • Who are the LDS? (See resources for a more full understanding)

  • How do Mormons differ from Christians? Do they use the Bible?

  • How do we reconcile ourselves back to Christ?

  • What does the LDS church add to the Gospel? What are the distinctions between LDS and Christianity?

  • If non-Mormon Christians live out a Chrisitan life, where would they end up according to the Mormon belief?

  • What is Pascal’s Wager? Can it be a useful argument?

  • How do LDS believe someone is saved? Is it only through a gift of Grace?

  • How is Mormon and JW evangelism different than the evangelism Christians are called to?

  • What is the source of authority and salvation for LDS and JW?

  • How confident can Mormons be in their salvation?

  • What Scripture can be used to combat false beliefs?

  • Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses? What do they claim that is different than Christianity?

  • Do JW know more about the original translations of the Bible? Do they truly know the Greek/Hebrew writings?

  • Why is it hard to believe in the Trinity, but not other incomprehensible characteristics of God?

  • What are ways that humanity tries to understand God by limiting Him to our image?

  • How is the JW Bible translated differently? Do they believe their Bible is the only true translation?

  • How do JW and LDS distort “who is God?” and “how are we saved?”

  • How are people saved in JW?

  • Do we really need to do works to be saved or is it just the fruit of our salvation?

  • Are LDS and JW orthodox Christianity/proper theology?

  • How do we interact and engage in conversation lovingly and graciously with LDS and JW? How can we be evangelistic?

  • Does spending more time in the Bible help you see false doctrine?

  • Is it better to counter LDS or JW beliefs or to evangelize with the Gospel message?

  • Where does our hope come from? Why should we be ready to defend that hope?


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EPISODE #24 - ABORTION: PART 2 (With Ronny Gogan)

EPISODE #24 - ABORTION: PART 2 (With Ronny Gogan)


In this follow-up to our popular episode on abortion, Rick and Brad look at theological and philosophical arguments for the pro-life argument with help from Ronny Gogan. While the last episode on abortion was helpful to understand abortion medically, this time will have a deeper biblical look at the topic.



  • Why are we doing a part 2 on this topic?

  • How does this conversation on the podcast look differently than a conversation with people out in the world?

  • What is the Christian position on abortion? Is this a “die-for” position?

  • What are Biblical defenses for this Christian position?

  • What are the objections to Biblical arguments? Are there Biblical objections?

  • Is there a difference between murder and killing?

  • What are philosophical arguments against pro-life? Are they based in Scripture? How do they fall apart?

  • What are reasonable hypotheticals that are grounded in reality that point to pro-life?

  • Is abortion truly “health” care? Does pro-life mean even if the woman is in danger of losing her life?

  • Why is childbearing difficult? How does our culture react when things are difficult?

  • How would you respond to arguments about bodily autonomy and the right to only care for yourself? Are we called to care for others?

  • What is the S.L.E.D. argument?

  • What about the cases of rape and incest? Does God/do Christians actually care about this injustice? What is justice in these awful instances?

  • How has language been changed to make the idea of killing a baby more tolerable?

  • Do men have the right to talk about these issues that women are at the forefront of?

  • How does this topic affect the flourishing of our society?

  • How do we see devaluing children in our society, even outside of the womb?

  • How does the Gospel speak to the topic of abortion?


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You've realized the call from God to be a part of a church and now you have been attending one for a few weeks. Something doesn't feel right. The music doesn't get you going, the preaching is boring and never reads from Scripture, and no one has come to introduce themselves to you. Should you leave that church? Based on this scenario, there might be a reason or two to consider leaving. But what are they? Rick and Brad seek to Biblically answer that question in this conversation about when and how to leave a church.



  • What are the black-and-white reasons to leave a church?

  • What is a true church?

  • What is Orthodox Doctrine? What are examples of churches that do not teach Orthodox Doctrine?

  • How do you know if a church is a true church?

  • Can you go to a false church with a “missionary” mindset in an attempt to change the false church?

  • What are some churches that are not true churches?

  • What are the grey areas that may lead to further conversation with the leadership of a true church?

  • How can you tell the health of a church? What are important things that a church should do?

  • When should you think about leaving a church based on the preaching? Based on the music? Based on the community? Based on church leadership?

  • What are justification and sanctification?

  • Is preaching the Gospel every week that important?

  • Is emotional and/or high-quality music bad?

  • What do I do if joining community is not very easy? What if it seems like there is no shared interests?

  • How important is a plurality of elders in a church?

  • How can we tell if church leaders are healthy leaders?

  • Should you leave a church based on the grey areas before talking through it with a pastor?

  • How do we respond to a true church that is showing signs of unhealth?

  • If leaving is the proper step, how do we leave a church?


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EPISODE #22 - LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX: PART 2 (With Ali Reeves)

EPISODE #22 - LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX: PART 2 (With Ali Reeves)


Is it Biblical for a man to expect sex from his wife? What about for a woman to expect an emotional connection from her husband? Are there extra stipulations we put on our sex with our spouse in order for our needs to be met? These questions might feel awkward and personal, but can be vital to a healthy sex life in marriage. These questions and more are discussed as Brad, Rick, and Ali revisit the topic of sex.



  • Who are we talking to?

  • How does sin impact our sex lives?

  • What stipulations do women have before they will have sex with their husband? Are they Biblical?

  • What stipulations do men have before they pursue their wife emotionally? Are they Biblical?

  • Is it Biblical to deny your spouse sex? Emotions? Back rubs?

  • What does the Bible say about how spouses are to treat each other in terms of this topic?

  • How has society changed the word and the meaning of “sex” to reduce the relational aspect of it?

  • What is the Doctrine of Union? What does sex have to do with unity with Christ?

  • How does the Gospel speak to our insecurities, failures, and sex lives?

  • How should we approach sex in our marriage with a Gospel lens? How do we view our spouse through a Gospel lens?

  • How do we move to an attitude of sacrifice toward our spouse instead of selfishness?

  • What is the difference between expectations and conditions?

  • How can we see sex as a way to deeply know and serve our spouse?

  • Can sex protect from the enemy? Does it increase the unity of the marriage?

  • Is sex something we do after we know a spouse, or is it the process of getting to know them?

  • How can seeing sex as a discipline help our attitude toward sex?

  • What if sex is painful?

  • What are some helpful thoughts to men and women listening?


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Throughout the world, many people claim to be a Christian. This could mean something different for each person. Even people who don't practice Christianity in their life self-identify as such. If we look at Scripture, however, we have a clear understanding of what a Christian is and how our lives are to reflect that identity. In this episode, Rick and Brad will look at how Christians can claim their identity in Christ and see what role the local church plays in a true Christian's life.



  • Can you be a Christian and not be a part of a church?

  • What are the exceptions to Christians not being involved with a church?

  • What is a local church? What is needed for a church? Where do we get this definition?

  • What is the Universal Church?

  • What is the relationship between the Universal Church and the local church?

  • Is being involved with a church a part of the sanctification process?

  • Does God command His people to be a part of a church?

  • Responding to “I’m still a Christian even though I might not be involved with a local church”.

  • How can we graciously call out those who claim to be Christians?

  • Do we have the right to judge others?

  • Isn’t requiring being a part of a church legalistic?

  • What are some hurdles/excuses for not getting involved with a church?

  • How does the Gospel summarize this episode?


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Feminism was surely started with good intentions - equal voting, working, pay, and other rights for women - but now that the times are changing we see that the definition - and even the movement - has made some drastic changes. Brad and Rick look at how modern-day feminism has potentially led to more harm than good for women, and how the answers that feminism presents toward issues pertaining to women are far inferior to the truth that Scripture supplies.



  • What qualifies someone to talk about certain issues? How can a man talk about feminism?

  • What is feminism? How does feminism play out in our fallen world?

  • What are the different “waves” of feminism?

  • What do Marxism and feminism have in common?

  • How has the fall led to the sin of men domineering over women?

  • How does the misunderstanding/social expectation of feminism play out in our society? What does society say gives women value and worth?

  • What is the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome?

  • Is everyone truly equal?

  • How has motherhood become devalued?

  • How has our culture moved away from God’s design of men and women?

  • Is there freedom in not relying on our own attempts to fix society’s social issues? What do we rely on if we can’t fix culture ourselves?

  • Where do we find our value and identity as Christians?


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